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Fitness Training for the




This is a fitness program for all levels and every discipline of horse back riding. Becoming fit should be part of riding,  if for no other reason than you are getting on the back of a horse and expecting it to carry you.  The least you can do is hold up your part of the bargain. You should become the easiest load possible for your horse to carry.  You don’t have to be an Olympic athlete but at least have the balance, stability and body awareness that will give you and your horse a pleasant riding experience and reduce the chance of injury or muscle strain to both of you. 


The primary goal of a rider fitness program is to build stamina and strength appropriate to the discipline.  Riding uses particular muscles and movement patterns different from other sports, and as a result, requires rider-specific training.   In other words, exercises performed out of the saddle are tailored to enhance your skills as a rider in the saddle.   All riders should have a strong core, good balance and flexibility, and a fairly high level of proprioception (awareness of where your body is in space).  Without this, a horse will have to compensate for the riders lack of balance and body control.


All work off the horse conducted by highly skilled personal trainer Gaylene Cazier NASM CPT, CES 


Do it right and get in shape for riding with a program designed by equestrians for equestrians.




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