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Seat Lessons

Seat lessons are recommended for all students.   Beginners have the opportunity to focus solely on their balance and position. Intermediate and advanced riders will improve and fine tune the effectiveness of their seat.


Riding on the lunge is an invaluable tool for creating a great rider!  In this type of lesson the instructor controls the horse on the lunge line so the rider can focus entirely upon balance and position.  As the rider is put through various exercises, they learn to follow the motion of each gait.  This is the best way to develop the muscles and coordination required for riding and the core body strength to maintain stability.  Seat lessons also instill confidence.  The learning is purely physical, you allow your body to follow the horse's movements and the muscle memory will develop on its own.  Riding on the lunge line is simply the most effective short-cut to developing an independent seat and becoming the best rider you can be.


Developing an independent and well-balanced seat is the task of a lifetime!





Cost:  $75.00 for an individual lesson

            $280.00 for a set of 4

There are no refunds. 

Lessons are currently full.

Give me a call:


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